oday Rockstar Games issued a warning to GTA 5 players. The studio advised players to change the passwords for their Rockstar Social Club accounts.
"You may have heard of a recent Internet security vulnerability called Heartbleed which affects the basic encryption used by many websites across the internet," reads a new post on the Rockstar Support site. "This vulnerability was found to exist on certain Rockstar Games Social Club pages, and has been fixed."
Rockstar adds that they don't believe that information from Social Club accounts were compromised. Nonetheless, they recommend that players change your passwords just to be safe - especially if they use the same login information on other potentially compromised websites. Rockstar Social Club passwords can be changed here.
The studio provided some general password advice as well. Ideal passwords have a mix of numbers, letters and symbols. Furthermore, a password shouldn't be used on more than one site.
Heartbleed is an OpenSSL bug that leaves websites susceptible to the theft of user passwords, cookies and other information. It's believed that open to 17%, or half a million, secure web servers were vulnerable before a fix for OpenSSL was released on April 7th.
Rockstar Social Club is a community network service that debuted with Grand Theft Auto 4. The available Social Club features vary from game to game. In the case of GTA 5, players can use the RSC to share in-game photos, compare their minigame performance against the community, and check the Criminal Records of fellow players.
It's a good idea to change a number of your other gaming passwords as well, especially accounts with credit card information such as Steam or Origin. Mashable has a running list of websites affected by Heartbleed and whether they've been patched. They recommend changing your password for Netflix, Google and several other major sites.
Hopefully Rockstar will have happier news to share with GTA 5 players soon. Their immediate plans for the game include the High Life Update, filled with new equipment and apartments for players to purchase. Later this spring they're also going to add cooperative heists, a much-requested feature by gamers. Maybe Rockstar will share release dates or more details on this content before the month is over.
The most recent addition to GTA 5 was an update to the Content Creator for multiplayer. Players can now build missions in GTA Online using the Capture mode introduced in December. Rockstar will announce the best player-created Capture missions next week.