Wednesday, December 18, 2013
‘GTA V’ PC Version: ‘Grand Theft Auto 5’ Could See March 2014 Release Date
A PC version for “Grand Theft Auto V” could be released in March 2014, according to reports this week.
Rockstar, the developer of the popular franchise, has refused to acknowledge the existence of a PC version of the game.
But The International Business Times, citing a pre-order release from a Norwegian retailer, said the PC version of the game would come out around March 19, 2014. But as the publication points out, there’s no confirmation that it could be accurate.
The report did not mention the name of the retailer.
The Times noted that Rockstar’s support Twitter started responding to users about GTA 5, saying to “Keep an eye out for info on that on our newswire page:,” which is a new development.
According to WCCF Tech, other evidence of a PC release includes that nearly every “AMD Catalyst Update contains the GTA V executable” binary. The website also notes that the PC version could have DX 11 and 2k Textures available for the PC.
“GTA V” has been out for several months on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, and it became the world’s fastest-selling game, generating sales of more than $1 billion around the world.
Before and after its release, an online petition has been signed by 500,000 people, clamoring a PC version. “I can’t believe we’ve gotten to 100,000 signatures! It’s unbelievable. Keep sharing this and we’ll catch Rockstar’s eye in no time. They must know we exist by now!” it reads.
It is unclear if there will be Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of the game.