Saturday, November 30, 2013

[OXM]GTA 5 DLC: eight characters who could take a starring role

Whilst the Xbox One is understandably taking up a fair bit of our time at the moment, we still find ourselves returning to Los Santos for further fun and frolics in GTA Online. That's not going to end any time soon either; we've had our first taste of free DLC with the Beach Bum update, but Rockstar has bigger and better things planned.

We already know that multiplayer heists will be A Thing, eventually, but earlier this week audio files ripped from the update that accompanied the Beach Bum DLC seems to suggest new activities, new jobs and new locations will soon be offered up either in the single player campaign, the Online multiplayer mode, or both. The audio files also star several of GTA 5's supporting characters. Could one of them return as a leading light? Let's ponder the options.

1. Lester Crest

Lester the molester, as his friends affectionately call him, plays a prominent role in both GTA 5's single player campaign and GTA Online's multiplayer missions. He's also set to play an important part in certain DLC jobs, if the leaked audio files are anything to go by. In these, he mentions missions where you'll be spying on strangers, proudly stating that "voyeurism is my forte".

He also mentions that the player's camera phone has new features thanks to a system update. Seeing as in-game photography is one of our favourite things from GTA Online, we can't wait to see what this entails - could it be filters, video capture, or even an in-game Snapchat function? Speaking of Lester and DLC though, it might be worth mentioning that several boxes in the deeply paranoid loner's apartment are marked "zombie outbreaks." Silly throwaway easter egg, or hint at a future Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare-style DLC pack?

2. Martin Madrazo

Druglord Madrazo is a dangerous man to get on the wrong side of, but though he and the protagonists of GTA 5 tend not to get along he has proved quite useful to your GTA Online character, throwing him or her a number of well-paying (though dangerous) jobs.

In the leaked GTA 5 update audio files, Madrazo can be heard advising the player to "step their game up" and recommending that they invest their money in properties, retail operations and businesses. Sound counsel, though he also mentions something about placing you "forever" in his debt, so mind how you go if you prefer your kneecaps attached to your knees and not floating in a river somewhere.

3. Dom Beasley

Hedge fund manager and extreme sports freak Dom is your typical alpha male; obnoxious, loud, dominating, and most definitely compensating for one deficiency or another. He's always talking about taking things "to the next level," wherever that is. In the leaked audio files, he can be heard crowing about a new Kickstart arena where you can partake in indoor off-road biking, whilst encouraging you to "run with the bulls, instead of walking with the sheep".

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